1950s Chevrolet Muscle Truck Pick Up

Muscle Trucks: When did they happen?

Muscle trucks have actually been around much longer than many people may think. A muscle truck has been described at motortrend.com as a common American pick up truck. Then, adding (to some the word stuffing may be more accurate) in more power than it deserves plus having fun. And, let me add another identifier: fast haulers.

These muscle pickup trucks are all short-bed step sides from the 1960s to early 70s. They can be in yards or fields with a lot of rust on them but these days, that is a very desired look. It is a great alternative since it can save the owner thousands of dollars for a good paint job.

Fifty shades of rust on muscle trucks

Thanks to the “Roadkill Muscle Truck” aired on TV, their popularity have recently increased. There is no mystery in that since the truck hosts a L26 engine which is an even higher-power version than the LS1 design for 06 C5 Corvettes (real unique, popular classic cars).

Folks are able to get a LS6 in the original crate from GM (General Motors). Get this, the factory rating is 405 horsepower, and it can be hopped up even more for a muscle truck or a muscle car. This type of engine made its debut on the episode 18 of the Roadkill show.

If you want to create a muscle truck it is possible to find some at auctions for around $2000 – $3000. Then, these reasonably priced finds can easily be modded (slang – term for the practice of modification to a production truck to alter its appearance or to increase performance) rather cheaply. Sometimes, buyers are able to find rollers (a car or truck without the engine and transmission) at affordable prices.

This is done by upgrading the wheel/tire system – doing a gear swap – and upgrading the exhaust system. An extensive listing of model options can be found at Motortrend‘s site. That article is dated August 2021, so beware since prices have significantly increased over the last few years for most pickups. And, costs have been affected since the Roadkill show muscle truck episode aired making muscle trucks a very, desired hot topic for gear heads of different ages.